System Overview
The Clay Rural Water System provides water service to over 2,500 locations in parts of five counties in southeast South Dakota. The sole purpose of the water system is to provide safe, quality drinking water to its consumers for domestic, farm and business use.
CRWS is a member-owned, non-profit corporation incorporated July 21, 1975. The water system was financed and constructed from 1978-1980 primarily with member connection fees, loans and grants from the Farmers Home Administration. It became fully operational in late 1980. The original construction cost of the System was $5.8 million.
Service to the member population base of 6,302 is provided from two water treatments. The main water plant is located seven miles east of Wakonda, SD. A second plant is located near McCook Lake, SD. Water is distributed from the treatment plants through a network of 1,400 miles of pipeline, seven storage reservoirs with a capacity of 1,040,000 gallons, and five booster stations. CRWS is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors, elected by the membership from three voting districts.
Wakonda Treatment Plant
Wynstone Treatment Plant
Coyote Water Plant
Beresford Water Tower
Greenfield Water Tower
Irene Water Tower
Westreville Water Tower
Spink Water Tower
Wynstone Water Tower
1950 PRV
Alsen Booster
Garfield Booster
West Booster
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